Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back to Blogging

I've had a really hard time deciding whether or not I want to have a blog. There was never anything I'm not proud of on this blog, but I always worry about having any piece of myself or my thoughts on the internet. I've deleted this blog and then re-created it four times now. I'm a little sad that I got rid of my Egypt posts, but they're gone now so there's no point in whining.

I'm really excited for the next couple of years. I will be spending the fall 2009 semester in India on a Social Justice, Peace and Development program and then I'll head over to Chicago for an Urban Studies program in the spring of 2010. After that, I hope to transition to a political internship in D.C. for the fall 2010 semester before I return in the spring of 2011 for my final semester of college at Concordia. If my plans work out as I hope they do, by the time I graduate I will have spent four semesters on campus and four semesters off of it. This summer I've been hired to work as a cabin counselor and tennis instructor at a really great looking camp for girls called Camp Kamaji. I loved my camp experiences when I was younger and this one looks even better than the ones I went, so I can't wait. I figure I'll have lots of experiences over the next few years that I'll want to share so now is as good a time as any to revive my blog.

In case anyone actually reads this and is interested in the rest of my future goals, after graduation I'm hoping to go on to law school. As you probably know, law school is expensive. I've already decided I'll apply for a Rhodes scholarship, but those are hard to get, so I'm doing everything I can to prepare myself. After law school I'm hoping to be able to worm my way into politics somehow. I don't actually want to be a politican though; I'd like to be a foreign policy advisor or analyst. My dream job is secretary of state...we'll see how that goes...

1 comment:

  1. I love you ayah. And i wish you the best in your goals. I'll update you later after finals!
