Tuesday, September 8, 2009

yet another boring, pointless post about my day (originally published July 18, 2008)

which was, as expected sad, productive though I suppose.

I saw some people, called some people, said bye to them all. I didn't get to see the one person I most wanted to see, but hey! Everything for a reason, right? She hates goodbyes anyway.

I got my hair cut. I told the guy I didn't want it too short so he chopped off the front and left the back long. Genius. Whatever..it'll grow. There was a woman at the salon while I was there who kept inserting English into her sentences as if that made her more significant or something. To the guy doing her hair: "Momtaz. Gameel. Bgad nice work." To her daughter, "Mariam, askoty ba2a shwaya. NOW!"

Right now I was thinking of writing the line "I can't breathe." but decided against it. I clearly can breathe I just can't think. Anywho, I was signing in to Skype at the time and right as the line came into my head Skype told me to "Take a deep breath." Ha! Which reminds me: when we were in the library of Alexandria, I saw this guy who I was pretty sure was the not-at-all helpful tourguide we had in Port Said. When I turned for a second look it was actually a Brazilian tourist. 15 minutes later in the basement of the library I actually did see the not-at-all helpful tourguide from Port Said leading around a couple of Spanish tourists. Later in the day, I noticed a Little Caesar's sign. For some reason I was interested and so I turned to look and it turned out that it was actually just a sign for a grocery store. About one minute later, we passed a real Little Caesar's. Ah coincidences...

4 hours until my plane. 25 hours until I'm Fargo home. Wow. Cue waterworks.
Posted by ayah at 3:57 PM 0 comments

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